A collection of helpful links from CRC and other organizations
- Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA)
- Disability Concerns (helps churches and people with disabilities participate together in the church)
- Faith Alive Christian Resources (publishing arm)
- Faith Formation Ministries (helping CRCs to grow in faith)
- The Network (a place for CRC members to connect about doing ministry…deacons, elders, Sunday school teachers, etc)
- Office of Social Justice
- Race Relations (helping CRCs dismantle racism)
- Reframe Ministries (used to be Back to God Ministries; media resources)
- Resonate Global (CRC home and world missions organization)
- Safe Church Ministry (equips CRC congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response)
- Synod Resources (information on the CRC yearly denominational meeting)
- World Renew (disaster response agency)