Adult Ministries

Men’s Life

Men’s Life is a men’s Bible study that meets from September-March, every other Wednesday from 6:30-8pm, the same night as Gems, Cadets, and WOW.  They are currently studying Max Lucida’s book, Ten Men from the Bible.


Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study meets at 9:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month in the lower level of the church.  They are currently studying the book of Esther.

W.O.W (Women of Worth)

Women of Worth meets every other Wednesday from 6:30 pm-8:00 pm, September – March. This is a fellowship and study group for women of all ages that will be studying The Last Words of Jesus from John 13-21. See Monthly Calendar for specific dates.

women's bible study at blythefield crc